Vedic Knowledge is immense. Fathoming the same is rather impossible. Here, we do not restrict the periphery of Vedic Knowledge, only to the Vedas; but Upanishads, Brahmans, Great Epics, Puranas, Smritis and even contemporary literal creations also com in this purview. Due to constant and unbroken tradition of Vedic thinking, which is most ancient in the world, but still most relevant, it is able to resolve even latest and most bizarre enigmas of Modern Man.
Here on the pages of portal, we have tried to give some relevant and useful nuggets of Vedic Knowledge, but it may not be able to satisfy your appetite and craving. Your question may be so unique and unheard that we might have never contemplated even in our dreams.
Not ready to believe? Just go through the ‘Sample Questions’, you will be amazed to see the depth of human yearning for knowledge.
For Sample Questions
Now, ‘Astro Vastu’ has vowed to satisfy and satiate ultimate and most supreme hunger of the humankind i.e. hunger for the Vedic Knowledge.
Whatever may be your query, our research team, fully equipped with very rich depository of knowledge will crack it.
This team tries to keep their answer as simple, as lucid as possible. If required, the answer is well supported by scriptural references. However, we give scriptural references and quotations only when they are required to clarify the issue.
Now, just communicate your most enigmatic, most puzzling question to this team and see how they quench your thirst for knowledge. To ensure quality of its answer, this team will go through even last drop of knowledge, available to the humankind.